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Altar Guild


Altar Guild


In the Episcopal Church, the Altar Guild is a group of men and women who are called to serve God by preparing and tending the places where we worship. The work of the Altar Guild usually proceeds quietly behind the scenes. The Altar Guilds’ primary purpose is to care for service equipment and prepare the church for worship services.


Before each worship service, the Altar Guild member “on duty” sets up the Eucharistic vessels and linens on the altar and prepares the bread and wine to be used in the Eucharist. He or she also makes sure the appropriate altar and pulpit hangings for the season are in place and mark the Scripture readings for the day.


After the service, everything is carefully cleaned and put away to be ready for the next service. Members take turns to launder and iron the linens. In addition, Altar Guild members assist in some services such as the stripping of the altar on Maundy Thursday, and help decorate the church for special holy days like Christmas and Easter.


Members of the Altar Guild share a number of other responsibilities, such as purchasing vestments and linens and replenishing the supply of bread, wine and candles.  All parishioners, men and women, young and old, are welcome to become members of the Altar Guild.